The average person uses 9 apps every day, and 30 apps every month. Now consider they will uninstall 53 percent of apps within 30 days.

In this crowded, competitive B2C market, building a mobile app MVP helps you quickly identify where you sit. And if the app you’re rolling out has no competitors yet, it helps you understand what will lead to a good user acceptance rate.

For enterprise apps, where engagement is a more important measure of success than attrition, an MVP again gets you closer to your goal faster. Most enterprise apps look to make desktop functionality mobile accessible. Restraining your MVP to a minimum feature set pushes you towards a truly mobile-first app that helps employees with their task at hand.

The drawback to MVPs is that they can be hard to do well. Especially with a new, burgeoning team. There is a faster, easier way. To see how, let’s first explore the challenges so many app creators face.

Common challenges of mobile app MVPs

  • Nailing down the core functionalities. An MVP is only truly an MVP if what’s included is the very minimum amount to make it viable. But this takes rigorous discipline—the sort that only comes with experience.
  • Putting together a team. Hiring team members in this competitive market takes time. Finding candidates who have experience in building MVPs will take even longer. After all, it takes time to sift the genuine article from a stack of CVs.
  • Reaching optimal productivity. You’ve put together your team. Now comes the tricky part, as they get used to a new work routine and implement new processes. It will take time for everyone to acclimatize and reach their full potential.
  • Lack of experience. Knowing how to build features for a good UX takes experience. A new team or inexperienced team will struggle to distinguish between the wrong features, and the right features implemented badly.

How to build a winning mobile app MVP

First, know that building a great MVP can be fast and easier than you think when you partner with an outsourced team.

It can also be cheaper. Building an MVP in house from scratch takes significant upfront cost. Consider the amount you might spend on hiring and onboarding teams. Then add on their monthly salaries while they’re not working at full capacity.

So, how does outsourcing solve your common MVP challenges?

1. We know how important MVP discipline is

At Success Software, we see building an MVP as a methodology. And we’re used to employing rigorous discipline in prioritizing the scope of what features to take to market. As such, we can provide an MVP that’s small and fast and more likely to achieve product market fit.

2. We employ strategic choices

Knowing how to optimize both time and resources is key in building an MVP quickly, easily, and at a lower cost. For instance, at Success Software, we use a single source framework for simultaneous development of android and iOS. We also provide turnkey architecture optimized for scale, efficiency, and continued feature enhancement.

3. We are up to speed

At Success Software we regularly work on mobile MVPs. This means we can spin up a complete team with the right technical skills and industry experience, but with shorter lead times and greater cost efficiency. We have process, rigor and discipline in place from the start.

4. We’ve done it before

Our experience means we can quickly identify key features for improving user experience or engagement. We can also spot the difference between a feature that is ready for users and one that needs pushing further to succeed.

Greatness, within reach

A true MVP should nail the core functionalities of your app, so you get customer feedback faster. And when you build it with a team that understands how to deliver UX, it means you can identify how users are engaging with its core functionalities. You can then iterate more quickly towards a product market fit.

Success Software will provide a ready-to-go, long-term, dedicated team who will be there for every stage of your MVP iteration. And because they have both the in-depth knowledge of the product as well as your target market, they become a valuable source of learning for the rest of your staff.

Maybe you’re struggling to get your MVP off the ground. Or maybe you’re still mapping out your app, and don’t know your next steps. We can ensure that your MVP is both minimum and viable and you’re closer to creating a product that fits your market.

To find out more, contact us.