AIM Model

For executives confronted with bottlenecks and escalating costs of recruiting or retaining top talent, the AIM delivery model provides a firm foundation for partnership. As an alternative to recruiting local resources or to complement an existing department, our turnkey global teams and processes are purpose built to balance agility, efficiency, and risk. The AIM model allows us to provide you with a seasoned team wholly focused on your objectives, and fully equipped to reliably deliver high-quality software at tremendous value. 


Ensure internal and external capabilities are balanced for complete coverage and maximum efficiency, and define strategic priorities.


Identify the resources and processes necessary to make your release successful, provide them with operationalized requirements, and orient them around an actionable plan. 


Execute until release, iterating through the Agile method, visualizing progress and informed at every step with the data essential for monitoring risks and making smart decisions. 

The AIM Model zeroes in on key objectives vital to product development:

  • Ensure that product investments drive the desired business outcomes
  • Maximize the time and economic efficiency of development resources
  • Minimize unanticipated changes and the cost of change when it happens
  • Optimize the collaborative experience between the product and development teams
  • Proactively mitigate project, legal, regulatory, and IP risks
  • Correlate equivalent standard processes between teams and fill process gaps


01. Align

As the first step in the AIM model, Alignment lays the foundation for your entire project’s success. The focus of Alignment is on defining strategic priorities for the project and ensuring that internal and external capabilities are balanced for complete coverage and maximum efficiency. Alignment can be completed entirely before entering into any formal agreement. It is provided at no cost, and without obligation.

Meet your guide

Alignment is guided by a regional AIM Consultant, who facilitates a straightforward series of exercises. This step relies on vital input from the internal stakeholders ultimately responsible for strategic, financial, and operational aspects of the project. Additional elements may be included as necessary to accommodate compliance requirements, customer processes, and third-party relationships. 

Alignment encompasses exercises focused on the Three Cs, as described below:

Core Objectives

Guided exercise to identify in specific and measurable ways what success looks like to the primary stakeholders


An exercise in evaluating risks specific to the project, and prioritizing constraints including scope, schedule, and budget


After examining the responsibilities of each role required by the project, assessing which should be filled by internal versus external resources


02. Integrate

The second step in the AIM model, Integration ensures a smooth transition from Alignment to the operational phase of your project. The focus of Integration is to identify the specific resources and processes necessary to make your project successful, and orient them around an actionable plan. This step brings your internal and external resources together, prepares the team for a successful collaboration, and establishes a communication cadence. 

More information about the integration process is available from your Alignment Consultant. 


03. Manage

The final step in the AIM model, Management encompasses the operational phase of your project. It is during Management that your project reaps the benefits of all of the previously completed planning and preparation. This step focuses attention on constant communication, following the established processes, and monitoring risks carefully. The tools provided during Management allow you to visualize progress as it unfolds and make proactive decisions right up until final delivery. 

More information about the Management step is available from your Alignment Consultant. 


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