If you are a founder, you already know that starting a company can feel a lot like raising a child. A startup can take over your life and even keep you from sleeping, especially the first few years. Many founders will dedicate all of their time, energy, and money – whatever it takes, really – to make sure that their company is healthy. One of the greatest pleasures is to watch proud founders take satisfaction in a big accomplishment.

This past weekend we celebrated exactly that kind of very special milestone, the tenth anniversary of our company’s founding in 2012. And when we say celebrated, we really mean it. Our founders paused almost all of our operations on Friday to take nearly the whole extended Success Software team and their families for a long weekend at the beach! We travelled several hours by bus to beautiful Phan Thiết, where we took over a whole oceanfront resort.

In the process of enjoying amazing meals, local landmarks, relaxation by the pool or the beach, and some truly terrible karaoke, we were able to connect with each other in a lot of special ways. Employees participated in a series of fun and competitive team building activities that began on the lawn but ended in the surf. A few leaders thought they could finish the exercise in dry clothes, but their teams made sure no one escaped the waves!

There were quite a few emotional moments during our gala dinner as the team reflected on the past 10 years – the growing pains and difficult periods as well as the many meaningful collaborations and successful product launches. We took time to honor the effort, enthusiasm, and dedication of each individual team member and to commemorate just how far we have come together.

Our leaders also congratulated the team for some recent awards, including our ISO 27001 certification and the 2022 Sao Khue award for Leading Software Solution Provider in Vietnam. They thanked everyone for the long days and late nights necessary to turn these difficult goals into reality for our company. There was even a very special poem by a team member that resulted in a few tears and a lot of laughs.

Thanh Tran - founder of Success Software“On behalf of the entire board of directors, I would like to thank all of our clients, partners, and our many dedicated employees for making this moment possible.”

Thanh Tran, CEO and Founder

We also had the pleasure of hosting several clients and partners for the weekend, including Zaiten (USA) and Raijin Technologies (Singapore). Other long-time clients and partners like Fluid Media (Canada) will be joining us in the coming weeks as we continue to mark the month of our founding. Our heartfelt special thanks to each of them, to CBNV, and to so many others for your contributions along this journey. Wherever in the world you are located, we are raising our glasses to you, our customers and partners, grateful for your continued trust and support.

If you haven’t yet been able to come visit your collaborators in Vietnam, we hope you will be able join us one day soon. And for today, grab a glass and toast with us, to the next ten years of Success!