Offshore development has become a popular option for many businesses, but it is also a topic that is often shrouded in myths and misconceptions. In this post, we’ll debunk five common myths about offshore development, and offer a smarter way to evaluate this opportunity.

Myth #1: Offshore development is always cheaper

One of the most common myths about offshore development is that it is always cheaper than hiring in-house developers or working with a local development company. This misunderstanding is mostly attributed to lower labor costs. In reality, the true cost of hiring developers anywhere will vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the processes followed, the skill level of the developers, and the overall complexity of the project. Ultimately, a cheaper developer slower to complete a high-quality feature still costs more than a developer who completes the work in half the time at double the hourly rate. Time and frustration by other team members as well as delays getting to market are costly. Always measure the total cost to get to a result.

Myth #2: Offshore development is always lower quality

Another common myth about offshore development is that it is always lower quality than in-house or local development. This is simply not true. Offshore development teams of skilled and experienced engineers are able to deliver high-quality software meeting the mosts stringent requirements. The key to ensuring high-quality offshore development is to carefully select your partner, and establish clear communication and collaboration processes that ensure that your project stays on track. To remove any doubt, look for a CMMI certified offshore software development  partner or one who has been evaluated by other credible third parties.

Myth #3: Offshore development is always slower

Some people believe that offshore development is always slower than in-house or local development. In actuality, an offshore team with the right experience and expertise will be able to deliver software quickly and efficiently, as long as they receive the same support an in-house team would need. One key to ensuring that your offshore development project is completed on time is to carefully plan and manage the project, and to establish clear goals and milestones. Some talent markets also make it easier to recruit and onboard high-quality resources faster,  providing a particular advantage to fast growing companies.

Myth #4: Offshore development is always riskier

Another common myth is that offshore development must come with higher risks. This too is a misunderstanding. Offshore development can be just as reliable and predictable as in-house or local development, if it is managed properly. The keys to reducing the risks with an offshore team are the same as with any other: choose your collaborators carefully, provide clear and detailed requirements, support smart development processes with proactive communication, and your project will stay on track.

Myth #5: Offshore development is always harder to manage

In a world where remote collaboration is increasingly the default, working with offshore teams is hard to distinguish from any other collaboration. It’s just as easy to manage as in-house or onshore development, as long as you have the right tools and processes in place. In fact, there can be something magical about starting your day with a summary of all the progress that was made while you were sleeping.

So what’s the bottom line? Offshore development can be a powerful and cost-effective option for many businesses. It can be just as effective, reliable, and predictable as in-house or local development, – and more cost efficient – but only if it is managed properly. Choose your partners carefully, and establish clear communication and collaboration processes, and you can ensure your software delivery is a success.

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